Recently, reports all over had it that Ekta Kapoor and her mom Shobha Kapoor have landed in legal trouble. According to PTI, a local court in Bihar’s Begusarai issued arrest warrants against the mother-daughter duo on charges of insulting soldiers and hurting the sentiments of their family members in her 2020 web series, XXX Season 2. Ekta Kapoor’s lawyer has now refuted the arrest reports.
Ekta Kapoor’s lawyer has refuted arrest reports against her and mom, Shobha Kapoor, in the XXX Season 2 case. One of the episodes in the series had allegedly hurt the sentiments of Indian soldiers and their families. The lawyer representing Ekta, said in a statement, “In the recent past, there have been news articles alleging the issuance of arrest warrants by a Magistrate Court in Begusarai, Bihar against Ms. Ekta Kapoor and Mrs. Shobha Kapoor. These news articles which appear to have been made on the basis of alleged statements of the advocate for the individual who has filed the complaint are false and inaccurate as no arrest warrants have been received by Ms. Ekta Kapoor or Mrs. Shobha Kapoor.”
Back in 2020, netizens called out XXX Season 2, a series produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor’s Alt Balaji, for allegedly hurting the sentiments of Indian army and their families. Netizens had even trended the hashtag ‘AltBalaji Insults Army’ on Twitter. One of the episodes in the second season, titled Pyaar aur Plastic, had landed in soup. In the episode, an army jawaan’s wife was seen having an extramarital affair while her husband was away on duty.
The court of judge Vikas Kumar had allegedly issued an arrest warrant against Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor on September 28. The same was done basis a complaint lodged by Shambhu Kumar, an ex-serviceman and a resident of Begusarai, reported PTI. In his complaint filed in 2020, he had alleged that XXX Season 2 featured several objectionable scenes related to a soldier’s wife.
“The series was aired on ALTBalaji, an OTT platform owned by Ekta Kapoor’s Balaji Telefilms Ltd. Shobha Kapoor is also associated with Balaji Telefilms,” said Hrishikesh Pathak, advocate of Shambhu Kumar. “The court had issued summons to them (Kapoors) and asked them to appear before it in connection with the matter. They (Kapoors), however, informed the court that certain scenes in the series were removed after the objection. But they did not appear before the court following which the warrant was issued against them,” Pathak added.
XXX is a 2018 erotic comedy-drama directed by Ken Ghosh. The second part was unveiled in 2020.
ALSO READ I | FIR filed against Ekta Kapoor in legal battle over Lock Upp series in Hyderabad
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